Subject-verb agreement is one of the most important aspects of English grammar. It refers to the agreement between the subject and the verb in a sentence. In other words, the verb must match the subject in terms of number and person. To test your knowledge in this area, here are some multiple-choice questions (MCQs) on subject-verb agreement.

1) Which of the following sentences has a subject-verb agreement error?

A. The dog barks loudly at strangers.

B. The dogs bark loudly at strangers.

C. The dogs barks loudly at strangers.

D. The dog bark loudly at strangers.

Answer: C. The correct sentence should be “The dogs bark loudly at strangers” since “dogs” is a plural subject and “bark” is the correct plural verb.

2) Which of the following sentences has a subject-verb agreement error?

A. The team is playing well this season.

B. The team are playing well this season.

C. The teams are playing well this season.

D. The teams is playing well this season.

Answer: B. The correct sentence should be “The team is playing well this season” since “team” is a singular subject and “is” is the correct singular verb.

3) Which of the following sentences has a subject-verb agreement error?

A. Every student in the class is required to read the book.

B. Every student in the class are required to read the book.

C. Every student in the classes is required to read the book.

D. Every student in the classes are required to read the book.

Answer: B. The correct sentence should be “Every student in the class is required to read the book” since “every student” is a singular subject and “is” is the correct singular verb.

4) Which of the following sentences has a subject-verb agreement error?

A. Neither the book nor the movie is very good.

B. Neither the book nor the movie are very good.

C. Neither the books nor the movie is very good.

D. Neither the books nor the movies are very good.

Answer: D. The correct sentence should be “Neither the book nor the movie is very good” since “neither” is a singular subject and “is” is the correct singular verb.

5) Which of the following sentences has a subject-verb agreement error?

A. My friends and I are going to the concert.

B. My friends and I is going to the concert.

C. My friend and I are going to the concert.

D. My friend and I is going to the concert.

Answer: B. The correct sentence should be “My friends and I are going to the concert” since “friends and I” is a plural subject and “are” is the correct plural verb.

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is a crucial aspect of English grammar. By practicing MCQs like the ones above, you can improve your understanding of subject-verb agreement and avoid common errors in your writing. Remember to always match the subject and verb in terms of number and person, and you`ll be well on your way to mastering this important skill.